Contact Info
- Phone 1:
- 814-723-5150
- Phone 2:
- 814-726-2710
WELCOME to the Laurel Mill Cross-Country Ski and Hiking Trail System. The Laurel Mill Trail is a system of interconnecting loops totalling 17.2 kilometers (10.7 miles) for cross-country skiing and hiking. The trailhead offers parking, restroom and a warming hut that are accessible to persons with disabilities.
Additional Details:
The trails are marked with blue diamonds. Laurel Mill offers challenges to a wide range of skill levels. The Elk Loop and Perseverance Loop are designated EASIEST and are suitable for beginning skiers. The Scout Loop, Hemlock Loop and One Mile Loop are designated MORE DIFFICULT and are suitable for more advanced skiers. The Sparrow Nest Loop is best suited to hiking. "You Are Here" signs are located at trail junctions and other key locations.
The Hemlock Loop offers some scenic views of the Ridgway Reservoir as you go up Spillway Hill. The Scout Loop adds some excitement as you twist down Suicide Slide and Brigg''s Dike. Ski cautiously over Lewis Run Bridge. If you desire solitude, try the trails on the southern side of the system. The scenery and quiet will be well worth the effort. Enjoy a meal at Lunch Rocks or Gillis Flats on the Sparrow Nest Loop. Schuss down Sam''s Slide on the One Mile Loop.
These trails are for hiking and cross-country skiing. Mountain bikes, motorized vehicles, ATV''s and snowmobiles are not allowed on any of the trails. Forest trails policy prohibits the use of saddle, pack or draft animals on hiking and cross-country ski trails. Camping is allowed along the trail as long as your equipment does not block the trail.
The Laurel Mill Trails are designated EASIEST (for warm-up and beginners), and MORE DIFFICULT (requires some skill and challenge). Hills are marked with Caution signs. Please ski safely and within your level of control. Ski to the right when approaching other skiers or when being passed by other skiers: Track Right! Grooming of the trails may take place at any time. Please leave the trail when you hear the groomer approaching.
Please remember these safety tips: Dress in layers and always wear a hat and gloves. Carry extra wax. Ski with a friend, especially at night. Boil water for drinking. Be aware that these trails are used by hunters in the spring and fall. It is a good idea to wear bright fluorescent colored clothing during hunting season.
Practice No Trace Ethics-Pack it in, Pack it out, and for sanitary disposal of wastes, dig a pit at least 6 inches deep and at least 200 feet from water.