Pennsylvania Map

Marienville ATV / Bike Trail

Contact Info
Warren, PA 16365

Phone 1:
Phone 2:


The Marienville ATV/Bike Trail is a system of 37 miles of interconnecting trails traversing scenic, forested hills of the Marienville District of the Allegheny National Forest. The trails are designed for the enjoyment of ATV and motorbike riders of intermediate and expert skill levels. The trail seasons run from the Friday before Memorial Day to the last Sunday in September; and December 20 to April 1 ("ATV Trail Area" only). Inclement wet weather may cause the trails to close in short notice--when in doubt, please call ahead (814-723-5150, ext 905).


Additional Details:

The Marienville ATV/Bike Trail is a system of 37 miles of interconnecting trails traversing scenic, forested hills of the Marienville District of the Allegheny National Forest. The trails are designed for the enjoyment of ATV and motorbike riders of intermediate and expert skill levels. The trail seasons run from the Friday before Memorial Day to the last Sunday in September; and December 20 to April 1 ("ATV Trail Area" only). Inclement wet weather may cause the trails to close in short notice--when in doubt, please call ahead (814-723-5150, ext 905).

The trail has been divided into a Bike Trail Area and an ATV Trail Area, as shown on the map. This provides a variety of riding experiences for different types of machines and levels of difficulty. ATV''s are permitted on the Bike Trail, and trailbikes are allowed on ATV Trails.

Key junctions on the trail are marked by numbered wooden signposts corresponding to the junction marker numbers shown on the map. "YOU ARE HERE" maps are also located at these key junctions to aid riders in navigating the trail.

This 23.1 mile loop is rated MOST DIFFICULT and is best suited to trailbikes. The Bike Trail offers a very ROCKY trail surface that winds and twists through the forest. Trailbikers can finish the trail within a few hours. ATV''ers will find a very demanding and challenging ride that will take about 4-6 hours to complete. The trail is NOT recommended for inexperienced or novice riders. This trail is ONE-WAY travel except where witherwise posted. This trail is open only during the summer.

This 14.2 mile loop system is rated MORE DIFFICULT and is best suited to ATV''s. The ATV Trail uses old roads and railroad grades. The trail is ONE-WAY except where otherwise posted. This trail area is open during both summer and winter.

Camping is permitted along the trail as long as your equipment does not block the trail. There is limited space for camping at the FR 221, FR 395, and FR 521 Trailheads. Camping is not permitted at the Marienville and Pigs Ear Trailheads.

the nearest hospital is located 15 miles north of the trailhead, in Kane, PA. The nearest pay telephone is located in Russell City, PA, four miles northeast of the trailhead.

Map + Directions

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