Contact Info
- Phone:
- 814-723-5150
- Phone 2:
- 814-726-2710
- Number of Sites:
- 30 sites
Basic Info
- Total Sites:
- 30 sites
Additional Details
Access is by boat or hiking only. Hooks Brook has 30 campsites; is more of a boat-to only site, however, there is a trail along Hooks Brook that feeds into Reservoir and goes back to road that takes you to Reservoir Scenic Drive, west of the reservoir. We do not know the maintenance or condition of this trail. This is a trail that is only ½ on National Forest land.)
Facilities include a table, fire ring, grill, vault (Sweet Smelling) toilets and hand pump for water. First Come First Serve/No Reservations
is open year round (sometimes hard to get to with ice on reservoir)
have vault toilets with no outside locks (they are always open)
Hooks Brook, Hopewell, Handsome Lake and Pine Grove have hand pump water availability year round (if the water is not frozen). Water is not tested in off-season, Oct.- April. We recommend people pack in their own water during this time period.